Rep. McMorris Rodgers: CONGRATULATIONS on the House Ethics Report finding you committed multiple violations of numerous House Rules and United States Laws. Fifty eight pages of unanimity! All ten of the House Ethics Committee members, republicans and democrats, found that you demonstrated indifference to repeated violations of rules and federal law. You were sanctioned and remedial action was ordered.
You've passed your gang initiation and are now a made member of the Trump Crime Family. Your parents must be proud.
The Committee called you "sloppy" which is a word you likely understand. The Committee identified "myriad instances" of federal law and rule violations, which obviously you do not understand, since they found you "demonstrated indifference" to those laws and rules. No surprise that you don't understand our laws and rules. We've seen your emphasis on eliminating regulations in the name of liberty -- so we can go back to when America was great and orchardists sprayed lead arsenate from moving trucks. Nothing says freedom like forcing a U.S. Government employee to trick Fifth District constituents in giving money to your criminal enterprise.
We love the section starting on page 52 where you are issued Sanctions and you are ordered to undergo Remedial Action to pay the government back for stealing its resources. Here at, we cherish the the irony of your ignorance. You are required to pay the U.S. Government back for stealing its staff time, office space, and travel expenses - monies you stole from us to use for yourself, even though you claim to be for efficient small government. Delicious.
We're pretty certain you got to celebrate last night with cigars and moonshine at Mar-a-Lago now that you are officially a criminal as well as a Washington campaign chairperson for your President Trump. Criminality and loyalty to President Trump are a match made in heaven.
Speaking of heaven, we thought your thirty-seven word statement about your endorser Matt Shea was TERRIFIC! You were silent when Rep. Shea unlawfully brandished a firearm from a moving vehicle at one of your constituents. We understood because we know how important firearms are to you. You were silent when Rep. Shea filmed a campaign ad in the driveway of his female opponent. We understood because we know how important misleading and threatening campaign ads are to you.
It must be hard for you to condemn extremism "no matter its source" when you know that EVERY Matt Shea voter also VOTED FOR YOU. It must be hard to "condemn the violence inspired by extremism" when you know the parents who loaned their semi automatic freedom projectors to their child to slaughter other children in a school in your District also for VOTED FOR YOU. It must be hard to condemn anti-Semitism when you have your picture taken with James Allsup just before he leads the Charlottesville "Jews will not replace us" rally. James Allsup also VOTED FOR YOU.
Heaven was also in the news this week with your President Trump's insults of Christianity Today claiming unfair treatment since he "has done more for the evangelical community than any other President." That's you -- the "evangelical community", whose main tenets are fear of homosexuals and aborted children. President Trump loves your evangelical community, because you are so forgiving of his immorality. Nothing says Christianity more than taxing a tax deduction for money given to a pornographic sex worker to buy her silence about having unprotected sexual relations with the President while his wife is at home with their infant child. President Trump embraces the evangelical agenda -- no birth control was used in any of his sexual affairs while he was being unfaithful to this three wives.
Keep up the good work CMR. Such an exciting week with your elevation to the Trump Crime Family. Your passed your own criminal initiation with your ethics law violations, and you cemented your loyalty by voting against the impeachment of a cursing lying philandering charity-robbing criminal traitor, despite the concerns of your constituents. You're the best!
If your staff is keeping track, put as down as FOR our Congresswoman displaying indifference to myriad instances of sloppy violations of election laws and rules since that fulfills our expectations of what a feeble-minded GOP sheep would do, and FOR our Congresswoman's endorsement by Matt Shea, James Allsup, and Benjamin Sharpe, because they love the freedom to threaten people with weapons and Jesus, but AGAINST insulting Christianity Today, because that seems wrong.
Have a good day.
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