3/27/2021 UPDATE - Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers: Today your immediate family member posted:
"Only in America can an ethnic group have Black Awareness Month, Black Holiday, Black-Only Colleges, Black-Only Dating Sites, and Black-Only Bars and Clubs and turn around and call everyone else racists."
You should sit down with your immediate family member and discuss the differences between race and ethnicity.
Also, it's Black History Month, not "Black Awareness Month" ("You know, black is really the absence of color...").
Also, there is no "Black Holiday". (Would that make 4th of July "White Holiday"? Or is that Christmas?) Presumably your immediate family member is referencing Martin Luther King Jr. Day, although the relatively simple concept of that holiday appears to be not quite understood.
Also, there are no "black-only" colleges, dating sites, or bars. You could use your pre-law knowledge to explain the public accommodation laws in this country to your immediate family member. Your beloved "religious discrimination" laws allow your immediate family member to openly discriminate only against black homosexuals, not all blacks (because of the shellfish and mixed-linen rules), and then, only under limited circumstances.
There are "black-only [private] clubs", just as there are white-only private clubs, as long as those private clubs have no entanglement with commerce. Back in January you tried to favorably compare your Donald to one of those white-only clubs - the Ku Klux Klan. But, no surprise, you misunderstood Brandenberg v. Ohio which was an example of well-behaved racist seditious fantasy, whereas your 1/6 insurrection party was real.
Also, not just African Americans think ignorant bigots engaging in racism are racists. People of all all backgrounds think ignorant bigots engaging in racism are racists.
UPDATE CONCLUSION: Good to see you have passed along the available resources to your immediate family member to remain at the topical forefront of the racial discussion on social media. We can see why you would be especially worried for your children that Big Tech would silence the conservative voice of your immediate family member and this thoughtful message about a series of incorrect things that any educated member of society would know. Racism is not inherited like race; it is learned.
Congresswoman McMorris Rodgers: We watched your recent garbled hostage videos.
Last week you were blaming teen suicide on the CDC. This week you are blaming teen suicide on social media.
None of what you say makes any sense to anyone -- unless one recognizes that you are 100% motivated by your obligations as a made member of the Trump Crime Family.
Your video blaming teen suicide on the CDC says you received a text message from a mom whose child apparently attempted suicide. "Beautiful MacKenzie", you called her in the video. Under no circumstances can we imagine texting our Congresswoman to report the attempted suicide of a child. This must be some kind of super-donor who texts you convenient personal tragedies to illustrate your trump-cultist talking points.
The best case scenario is that "beautiful MacKenzie", and the suicide text message, are apocryphal -- "Bette from Spokane"-style fabrications.
You have used fictional constituents in your stories before. "Armida" from north Spokane favored your tax bill, even using the GOP anti-Pelosi "crumb" talking point. But there is no Armida in north Spokane. "Eileen, Ashley and Julia" also loved your tax plan (borrowing money from China to give away to your donors), and you featured photos of "them" in a press release. Turns out "Eileen, Ashley and Julia" are Ukrainian stock photo models -- easy to check in two minutes using a reverse image search. But, by all means, continue to use fake people to tell your stories, nitwit.
If in fact MacKenzie exists, which we doubt, you told the world about her attempted suicide that you learned about by text? What kind of monster does that? Did you consider whether this is a crime? A HIPPA violation? A violation of the trust of the mother and daughter? Did you get a release?
What could possibly be lower than outing the attempted suicide of a teenager? You have engaged in many mindless, unethical and criminal acts as our Congresswoman, but this may be the worst. Either you disrespected "beautiful MacKenzie" in the worst manner imaginable, or else you flat out lied to us, nitwit.
Maybe even lower is pimping out your own children to support the illogical retribution campaign of your criminal mob boss.
We saw your video this week with more stories of you receiving presumably apocryphal phone calls and texts about child suicide. How do these people get through to you?
We write you every week to inform you that you have an immediate family member who routinely posts racist defamation that is flagged by Facebook. Your immediate family member has recently posted fabricated, horrifying, race-baiting, quotes falsely-attributed to Kamala Harris, Michael Jordan, Denzel Washington, and Barack Obama.
Most recently, your immediate family member posted "Race only matters to racists, the rest of us care about character". What is it about the character of Michael Jordan, Denzel Washington, Kamala Harris, and Barack Obama that is so horrible that it forces your immediate family member to fabricate outrageous, race-baiting quotes to falsely attribute to them? Your immediate family member must really care about character!
Our point is, why do you listen to these apparent calls and texts about teen suicide, but you appear not to care about our reports to you that your immediate family member is aggressively posting racist defamation and other memes regularly posted by uninformed ignorant bigots?
Don't you care when a constituent is trying to help you to stop looking like a nitwit?
Here is the breakdown of the assistance we are trying to provide:
1. Congresswoman, you have an immediate family member who is regularly posting racist defamation that is flagged by Facebook.
2. Your public position against flagging of posts by social media makes it appear that you are advocating for your immediate family member to post racist defamation.
3. Your immediate family member likely is under the impression that the racist defamation is true and that posting the racist defamation is helpful to you, the Congresswoman.
4. Your immediate family member lacks the education, common sense, curiosity, and ability to verify if the racist defamation is true. For example, the "Barry Soetoro foreign student ID card" photo your immediate family member posted was actually taken from the Snopes article demonstrating the ID card as "false". You're not the only nitwit in your family.
5. Amplification of racist defamation by ignorant bigots like your immediate family member is part of the problem with your suggestion that 'conservative voices are being silenced'. Your position assumes that there are no ignorant bigots like your immediate family member posting racist defamation, but indeed, there are thousands of ignorant bigots like your immediate family member posting racist defamation. Those conservative voices, the ones posting racist defamation, do indeed need to be silenced.
6. Social media companies have contracts with users prohibiting posting of objective untruths and racist defamation. Those contracts allow the social media company to flag or remove the type of racist defamation posted by your immediate family member. Facebook, for example, regularly flags the racist defamation posted by your immediate family member. From what we can tell, your immediate family member leaves the flagged posts up, instead of investigating why the post was flagged and removing the racist defamation as the law would require.
7. Your immediate family member has civil liability to the victims of the racist defamation. Just like you would have against us if we posted racist defamation about you. Maybe your immediate family member has an umbrella insurance policy or a reserve to answer in civil damages for the posted racist defamation.
8. As part of you carrying water for The Donald, you urge the repeal of Section 230. If that happened, then Facebook, as well as your immediate family member, would have civil liability for the racist defamation posted by your immediate family member. But under those user contracts, the user who creates the liability has the obligation to "indemnify" Facebook for any damages Facebook suffers because of its users' violations of its terms of service, such as the posting of racist defamation by your immediate family member. Maybe your family member has access to the campaign cash you didn't use while using our tax dollars unethically to fund your campaign, as you confessed, but did not publicize.
9. But we doubt your immediate family member has any ability to answer in civil liability for the racist defamation, especially to indemnify Facebook. Your immediate family member is highly irresponsible to post racist defamation with no ability to pay the true cost of doing so. Real republicans care about responsibility, they wouldn't post racist defamation, and then expect society to pay the costs. Sounds like socialism, Congresswoman.
10. And here you are using our tax dollars to ask Congress to make it easier for your immediate family member (and your crime boss) to post racist defamation while pretending you are concerned for your children.
Your concern for children seems spotty, though, since you did nothing when one of your supporters loaned his AR-15 to his child, to take on a federally-funded school bus, on a federally-funded road, to a federally-funded school, in your District, to slaughter other children. You did nothing. Nothing.
Children slaughtering children with weapons of war is fine with you, but you are worried that your child will be affected by seeing a flag on racist defamation posted by your immediate family member? You're a nitwit. Nitwit.
You continue to carry the water for a criminal mob boss -- to the point you've embarrassed yourself, your family, your party, your District, and your state. Twitter banned your orange messiah and rightly so. He yelled "repeal section 230" without understanding what that meant because he thought it would provide retribution.
So here you are this week pretending that it harms your children that social media wants to enforce its own contracts to ban racist defamation and the types of untruths amplified by uninformed ignorant bigots like your immediate family member. Flagging posts is not "silencing conservative voices" -- it is enforcing a contract. Republicans are usually for enforcing contracts, but you can't take this position because you are forced to carry water for The Donald, your crime boss.
Those contacts require indemnity -- so even if you "repeal section 230", the social media companies would seek recourse from the poster who created the liability. Can your immediate family member answer for the racist defamation posted? Didn't think so. Your entire "repeal section 230" argument is absurd.
Two years ago, you won a made-up social media award that you were "honored" and "humbled" to receive, telling us how you were dedicated to using social media to connect with constituents (as long as the constituent fits your narrative like "my son pretended to commit suicide" and not "your immediate family member routinely posts racist defamation flagged by Facebook").
But now, you've "lost trust" in social media and are ready to eschew it entirely because you continue to carry water for The Donald, a lying philandering tax-cheating criminal mob boss. We see you pretending social media cannot help you communicate with constituents, because you have to carry The Donald's water. Seems you're pretty sloppy at it. You got some on your dress there.
We've lost trust in you. Our Congresswoman is willing to use our tax dollars to make bad decisions because they advance the personal retribution agenda of her criminal mob boss, and also advance the racist defamation agenda of your immediate family member. You are truly a joke - a pitiful amoral nitwit.
If your staff is keeping track, put us down as FOR our Congresswoman making videos blaming fake teen suicide on Facebook's flagging of racist defamation posted by the Congresswoman's immediate family member, because that irony is hilarious; but AGAINST telling the world about the attempted suicide of teenage "beautiful MacKenzie" without her permission; or, assuming the MacKenzie story is too horrifying to be true, AGAINST our Congresswoman continuing to use fabricated females with apocryphal stories that match the dark agenda of retribution of her criminal mob boss.
Have a nice day!
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