Congresswoman Rodgers: LOVING your vote to oust Rep. Elizabeth Cheney from leadership of our grand old party. EXTRA LOVE for refusing to tell the Spokesman Review about your secret vote. Secret voting is sacred!
As a lifelong republicans, we've had it with Rep. Cheney and her connections to the Bush family and the Romney family -- all of them, with their attitudes and fancy schools. Who needs that?
The worst is Rep. Cheney's refusal to go along with THE BIG LIE.
Our orange lord instructed us that "The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020, will be, from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE." But then Rep. Cheney spun that around like Mr. Trump is lying! The nerve of her to disrespect President Trump's proclamation about THE BIG LIE.
President Trump only engages in "puffery" -- idioms and boasts and ambiguities -- the stuff of his rallies. He leaves outright lying to soldiers in his Trump Crime Family, like you.
Our favorite outright lie was you in the January 6 Spokesman Review on your planned vote against democracy: "[PA] had 205,112 more votes than voters". That outright lie was fed to you by one of your Trump Crime Family handlers, and not questioned by you, since you have no sense for numbers or math or or official state election data websites.
You aren't getting enough credit in this whole THE BIG LIE controversy. Your THE BIG LIE and its role in Mr. Trump's THE BIG LIE is important to us in the Fifth District. As lifelong republicans, we were proud when democrat Tom Foley became speaker -- proud for the District. We want to feel the same way about you.
Your THE BIG LIE is also important to your fellow trump-cultists. We have posted about the racism and defamation regularly posted to Facebook by one of your immediate family members. You don't seem to care about your immediate family member publicly posting racist defamation. We think it is HILARIOUS how absolutely silly this makes you look. If we had a family member regularly publicly posting racist defamation, we'd probably talk to our immediate family member to say "cool it with the racism and defamation", but that's just us.
Extra HILARIOUS that your role in the Trump Crime Family has you pretending Facebook is "censoring conservative voices" when all it is doing is flagging racist defamation by your immediate family member and others who cannot resist breaching Facebook's Terms of Service, to which they have contractually assented. Your mission in the Trump Crime Family retribution campaign is so ridiculous that it makes you appear to support racist defamation posted by your immediate family member!
Plus, who is feeding the racist defamation to your immediate family member? We should reach out to those suppliers since and they are adversely affecting the optics of your current mission.
But wait, there's more. On January 6, your immediate family member posted: "President Trump will lead the millions of Americans who understand exactly what’s going on. You are watching an effort to steal the presidency of the United States. Are we willing to fight for our freedom and liberty? Patriots we must rise."
Then your immediate family member followed this with a meme of flying pigs to indicate that your immediate family member would accept Mr. Biden as President only when pigs are flying.
All of that seems wrong -- the optics are bad for you and reinforce the stereotype of you as an uneducated, unthinking, racist-coddling, corrupt, trump-huffer -- which we know is true, but many of your constituents still think you are "nice" and "Christian".
Odds are, you will say nothing and do nothing. Nothing beats your "say nothing do nothing" approach. For example, one of your supporters in your District loaned his AR-15 to his child to take on a federally funded school bus, on a federally funded road, to a federally funded school, to slaughter other children. You said nothing and did nothing -- which we LOVE, because of freedom. Our favorite part of your school slaughter is that your supporter remains a free man, not charged with any crimes, despite his child's success in slaughtering other children.
Last week another child borrowed a gun from her parents to take to school to slaughter other children. You said nothing and did nothing, which normally we would think is AWESOME. But this school shooting is special -- it is a milestone in the middle school shooting gender gap.
Finally, a girl in the role as shooter! Seems the sort of gun-related, youth-gender thing you would tout. Nothing says freedom like loaning a weapon of war to a little girl to take to school to slaughter other children. You remind us you will always support the second amendment, apparently no matter how many children use guns to slaughter other children.
We are confident you will continue to shine in your secret missions for the Trump Crime Family -- your smiling empty vessel of ignorance is perfect for the Trump Crime Family to use and abuse without recourse. We know you are a corrupt nitwit, but most of your constituents still think you're "nice" and "Christian". All of that makes you a perfect avatar for the Trump Crime Family's dark agenda of hatred and scamming people - you never ask questions and no one ever asks your opinion. You're absolutely malleable and fungible, Rep. Rodgers - just like your handlers want you to be.
If your staff is keeping track, put us down as FOR your vote to oust Rep. Cheney for making THE BIG LIE ambiguous, since her comments diminish the contribution of your THE BIG LIE to Mr. Trump's THE BIG LIE; but put us down as AGAINST your immediate family member demanding that "patriots must rise" on January 6, since that did happen, and police officers were murdered by your rampaging fellow trump-cultists, and murder of police officers makes your silliness less humorous overall.
Good luck with your future Trump Crime Family missions -- we will be watching!
Have a nice day, Congresswoman.